An interdiscipliinary team of attorneys, consultants, engineers, accountants and paralegals enable us to protect you in any country in the world.
Our associates have 30 years of experience in the extrajudicial, judicial (civil, criminal and administrative) defense of intangible assets
Akran (Oak e Corn) è la radice etimologica di Acorn (Ghianda). Abbiamo scelto il nome Akran per indicare, come il lemma greco Arkè, l’idea al suo “principio”, alla sua “origine”. Proprio come nella piccola ghianda è custodito il futuro della grande e forte quercia alla sua origine, al suo principio.
Protection of intangible assets in Italy, in the European Union and abroad, judicially or extrajudicially, defense of copyright, domains and internet, anti-counterfeiting, due diligence, facilitated finance and technology transfer.
We are active in the fields of apparel, fashion, design, new technologies, publishing, entertainment, information technology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, food, wine, are just some of the sectors in which our clients successfully innovate.
AKRAN Intellectual Property professionals are active members or hold prominent positions in major national and international associations of industrial property (including LES Italia, AIPPI, ECTA, INTA, PTMG, ITMA, INDICAM, APAA) and copyright (including, ALAI-Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale).